Abel "Lucifer" Umbra

Abel Umbra was born to an Eldian Noble family much like the Tyburs, possessing a higher status thus having his family be Honerary Marleyans. Thanks to this, he always looked up to true Marleyans. He even had some friends that were Marleyan and not Eldian. On his 24th birthday was when disaster struck, Abel on his way home after attending a ball with his parents Albert and Victoria Umbra when suddenly they were ambushed by some secret Marleyan organization. It seems this particular group had a grudge against Eldian nobles. First his mother was struck down before him, then his father brutally given a slow and painful death. The soldiers took Abel, who was too shocked to resist. For two long years he was subjected to numerous experiments alongside the others who fell victim to the horrors of this organization. He felt betrayed. . . .why? Why were the people he looked up to treating him in such a way? They betrayed his trust, and he grew bitter towards Marleyans seeking revenge for having his life, his future stripped from him.By his 26th birthday he had perfected the powers of a titan, in a sense. Though not what Marley had intended. Due to his pure hatred for the sins they've committed, Abel had attained the Devil Titan. A monstrous being with powers unlike any other titan, potentially being the most powerful experiment of the bunch. Once he had gained enough control of this titan, Abel broke free from the facility with the other test subjects before laying waste to the facility. From this day forward due to the sheer destructive power of his inferno and his appearance, he had gained the nickname Lucifer. After those events he fled to Paradis, some of the others coming along while others stayed. . . .

Name: Abel "Lucifer" Umbra
FC: Lucifer Morningstar
Age: 26
Race: Eldian
Affiliation: Paradis Devil
Former Affiliation: Honorary Marleyan
Forms: Devil Incarnate, True Devil Titan
Devil Incarnate: Can summon flames capable of minor to medium burns, can fly.
True Devil Titan: Can summon flames capable of major and fatal burns, Can summon a Hellfire sword, Has a berserk mode which grants him strength and speed that rivals the Attack and Female titan but only lasts for a limited time, Scorching to the touch, Can fly.

Writer is 21+Goes by He/HimWelcome to the Void

Abel is Multi-ship w/ chemAll ships in a separate universeMuse is straight

Attack on Titan